House Park

Awwwwww  Hard slams, broken bones, broken boards. I love House Park.

My brothers and sisters getting dropped of at ACC to take their boring classes. While I get to go to House Park. Just me and my skateboard…  And other guys getting super mad at their board (and I think to myself yeah blame the skateboard cause that makes sense) and breaking it or throwing it and screaming cusswords that bounce off the smooth cement and resonate in the tall parking garage on the side where people blast music when riding by. I like the rush—but sometimes its extremely annoying you just want to say shut up. I love house park though.

But there’s definitely cool people too. Guys that will hang with you and give you tips and stuff. And play S.K.A.T.E. People doing crazy tricks. I love House Park.

Favorite Quote

That is the greatest thing ever said in the world–“I speak for THE TREES” exclaimed the Lorax. I like how smooth and solid it vibrates of his vocal cords like gliding in the wind. He says it with so much confidence like a brave mouse standing up to Terminator… But he’s only 3 feet tall, but he acts like he’s a Roman warrior.– Actually he practicaly is a Roman warrior.  Actually better than a Roman warrior. HE’S THE LORAX.

I like this quote because it shows his power and respect. It is also very stern and bold. It shows he cares about the trees and that they ‘re  on his side.

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